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És itt van néhány vélemény (komment) a last fm hivatalos facebook oldaláról...
Seems like no ones likes your website. Why don't you just change it to the old one?
Why are you going live with this new "design" without being completed yet?
Scrobbles missing, no events on profile, terrible choice by putting Song - Artist (in latest scrobbles), no "currently listening", no compatibility bar, no about me (one of my favorite features was to have the band logos on our profile) and the list goes on. This website is terrible.
Leave your opinion here saying that you "don't like it":
Just replace "your_name" with your user id (D.Santos)
How can one fail an introduction of a new site as much as you did? Why didn't you listen to anything users were telling you? This is ridiculous!! Why removing everything people loved and kick your paying users in the butt? You killed yourself with this. (Jens G.)
I'm shocked about the site being updated like this, there should've been a big announcement about this on facebook first. But I'm even more shocked about the users' opinions. I really hope the site goes back to something similar of what it was before, because I'd hate to lose lastfm. It's one of my favorite pages on the internet, and I'm afraid that many people will stop using it, and the page may die. (V. Laba)
Egyszóval senkinek sem tetszik - remélem hallgatnak a jó szóra és visszaállítják a régi verziót. (ha már akarnak újítani - azt bővítsék egy kicsit)
Ilyen volt:
Részletesebb leírást a régi külsőről itt olvashatsz.
Szóval kedves last. fm, ha nem orvoslod a helyzetet én többet nem használlak az tuti ... pedig úgy kedveltelek na...
Ha te is egyetértsz velem (és persze szoktad használni) írjál nekik a facebook oldalukra: , hogy vegyék már észre magukat!
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